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43441 The Conversion process  The Conversion process   mk172 Some believed that it was better to gradually convert the indians in order to guaarantee their grasp of the Catholic religion-s basic principles,while others favored mass baptisms.
42824 The Coronation of the Virgin  The Coronation of the Virgin   mk170 1370-1371 206.5x113.5cm
52683 The Coronation of the Virgin  The Coronation of the Virgin   1645 Oil on canvas, 178 x 135 cm
41778 The Council of Nicaea i,Melkite icon from the 17 century  The Council of Nicaea i,Melkite icon from the 17 century   mk165
78520 The Count Potocki and his sons  The Count Potocki and his sons   1790(1790) Oil on canvas 138 x 119 cm (54.3 x 46.9 in) cjr
78706 The Count Potocki and his sons  The Count Potocki and his sons   1790(1790) Oil on canvas 138 x 119 cm (54.3 x 46.9 in) cjr
52682 The Count-Duke of Olivares on Horseback 1634  The Count-Duke of Olivares on Horseback 1634   1634 Oil on canvas, 314 x 240 cm
39375 The creation the separation of light and darkness  The creation the separation of light and darkness   mk148 Mosaic in the St.-Markus-Basilika.Venedig(12.-13.Jh.).Es shows an angel as a mediator of the divine commands in accordance with 2 Henoch and other nichtkanonischen texts.
34216 The Crescent moon turned downwards  The Crescent moon turned downwards   mk90 Detail from Nizami s Shade Welcomes the Poets jami and Mir Ali Sher Nawa in the Dream Garden
41779 The Cross Raised on Three Levels  The Cross Raised on Three Levels   mk165 Half-dome of the sanctuary apse Saint irenen Basilica Constantinople
27434 The crucifixion  The crucifixion   mk56 oil on panel,the reverse stamped with the brand of the Antwerp panelmaker s Guild,and a panel maker s mark
29916 The Crucifixion  The Crucifixion   mk67 Oil on panel 22 7/16x18 1/2in Uffizi,Gallery
41797 The Crucifixion  The Crucifixion   mk165 National Museum of History and Ethnography of Svanetia
41823 The Crucifixion  The Crucifixion   mk165 Byzantine Museum Athens
41824 The Crucifixion  The Crucifixion   mk165 Church of the Virgin Peribleptos of Ohrid
41861 The Crucifixion  The Crucifixion   mk165 c.1500 Egg tempera on lime tree panel 85x52cm
44843 The Crucifixion  The Crucifixion   mk176 c.1420-25 canvas transferred from panel
41772 The Crucifixion and Saints in Medallions  The Crucifixion and Saints in Medallions   mk165 Saint Catherine Monastery Mount Sinai Egypt
40146 The Crucifixion of Christ  The Crucifixion of Christ   mk156 c.1340 Tempera on panel 76x29.5cm
39430 The crucifixion with scenes of the suffering Christs  The crucifixion with scenes of the suffering Christs   mk148 Toskanische school Italy over 1175.
42938 The Crucifixion,Christ Led from the Praetorium,the Descent from the Cross  The Crucifixion,Christ Led from the Praetorium,the Descent from the Cross   mk170 Circa 1510 Oil on oak central 98.2x105cm
73190 The Customs Cabin  The Customs Cabin   Oil painting reproduction of Ferdinand du Puigaudeau. cjr
43389 The cut in Toledo in 1528  The cut in Toledo in 1528   mk171 the New Espana remained incorporated al empire by means of the trophies of war
64397 The Dauphin  The Dauphin   16 x 13 cm Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp The court painter Jean Clouet's royal child belongs to the tradition of courtly painting. It is a little stiff, and rather idealises its subject with a great deal of attention to external decoration. A chalk study for this little portrait, in its fine, antique style frame in imitation marble, is now kept in the museum at Chantilly. Artist:CLOUET, Jean Title: The Dauphin Fran?ois, Son of Fran?ois I, 1501-1550, French , painting , portrait
63041 The Dead Icarus  The Dead Icarus   1743 Marble Musee du Louvre, Paris The Icarus is a brilliant piece of drama, in one way an academically respectable study of the nude, in another highly picturesque. The almost pretty handling of the long feathers of the wings and the loops of ribbon is counteracted by the starkly dramatic pose of the broken body, whose flotsam-like character is conveyed by its being supported on the crest of a wave. It is raised only to be about to fall again; and already the water draws away in foam at the lower right. While remaining elegant, the piece yet manages to convey a sense of shock; in its effect it is not so much Rococo as romantic. Artist: SLODTZ, Paul-Ambroise Painting Title: The Dead Icarus , 1701-1750 Painting Style: French , sculpture Type: mythological
27364 The Death of adonis  The Death of adonis   mk56 oil on canvas,unframed Alvise Benfatti,called dal Friso
71797 The Death of Czarniecki.  The Death of Czarniecki.   1860(1860) Oil painting 102 x 63 cm (40.16 x 24.8 in)
42687 The death of Imayat Chan  The death of Imayat Chan   MK169 ca. 1618 Paint on paper 12.5x15.3cm Cura-tower of the Bodleian Library. Oxford
30444 The Death of Majnun on Layla's Grave,from the khamsa by Nazami  The Death of Majnun on Layla's Grave,from the khamsa by Nazami   mk68 Manuscript illustration London,British Library
41234 The Death of Sarpedon  The Death of Sarpedon   mk161
91828 The death of Simon Magus  The death of Simon Magus   1493(1493) Medium oil on canvas cjr
62826 The Death of Socrates  The Death of Socrates   1787 Oil on canvas, 98 x 133 cm Statens Museum fur Kunst, Copenhagen Peyron's The Death of Socrates, commissioned by d'Angiviller for the Crown, was in competition with Jacques-Louis David's work of the same subject. David's confidence in surpassing his rival, coupled with his aggressive and ambitious nature, make it very possible that he chose to paint his own Socrates when he learned of Peyron's plans. The force and clarity of David's version was thrown into even sharper relief by the lack of drama and focus in Peyron's work, and both the public and critics declared David's work to be far superior. David eclipsed his long-time rival once and for all, and from then on Peyron had to be content with a subordinate role in the art world
63077 The Death of St Agnes  The Death of St Agnes   1660-64 Marble, over life-size Sant'Agnese in Agone, Rome Ferrata's high altar sculpture, representing St Agnes on the pyre, bears unmistakable, though not entirely reconciled, elements drawn from Algardi and Bernini. The saint's pose is indebted to one of Algardi's most emotive works, the St Mary Magdalene, but the head and drapery are more classically correct. These elements are overlaid by two touches worthy of Bernini: the fire at St Agnes's feet and the drapery billowing out for no apparent reason behind her shoulders. The result is a work whose impact is weakened by overly theatrical gestures. Artist: FERRATA, Ercole Painting Title: The Death of St Agnes , 1601-1650 Painting Style: Italian , sculpture Type: religious
63044 The Death of St Stanislas Kostka  The Death of St Stanislas Kostka   1705 Marble Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, Rome Le Gros' artistic makeup was such a successful synthesis of Italian and French elements that he never lacked work; his commissions, however, frequently embodied retardataire taste, none more so than the extraordinary multicolored St Stanislaus Kostka on his Deathbed. Here Le Gros'work looks back to the tradition of ecstatic or dying saints created by Bernini and Caffa, but instead of a white marble figure set off by coloured marbles, colour forms an integral part of Le Gros' work: black touchstone for the Jesuit habit, Sicilian jasper and yellow marble for the bedding, and gilt bronze for the fringe. The saints hands, feet and head are carved from white Carrara marble, with the hair left rough and unpolished and the nails and eyes delicately incised. The work's purpose was to shock visitors entering the room where the young man once lived, by conveying the impression of someone actually dying, and the Jesuits resisted Le Gros' attempts to have the sculpture moved from their novitiate to the church of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, largely because of its effectiveness in its intended setting. Artist: LE GROS, Pierre Painting Title: The Death of St Stanislas Kostka , 1651-1700 Painting Style: French , , religious
39406 The death of the Jesaja  The death of the Jesaja   mk148 French Bible of 1526. A version of the legend purported that Jesaja apart saws became (vgl. Hebr 11,37),während it in a tree hid itself
38393 The Death of the Virgin  The Death of the Virgin   1490s Panel transferred to canvas, 212 x 113 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid
74307 The Death of Willem Barentsz  The Death of Willem Barentsz   1836 oil on canvas 990 x 1333 mm cjr
41891 The Decollation of Saint John the Baptist  The Decollation of Saint John the Baptist   mk165 Ico musuem Recklinghausen Germany
43391 The degollamiento of the espanoles or a tzompantili pro-Indian of 1898  The degollamiento of the espanoles or a tzompantili pro-Indian of 1898   mk171 the revenge before the invader
79165 The Delft City Wall with the Houttuinen  The Delft City Wall with the Houttuinen   ca. 1650(1650) Oil on canvas Width: 76 cm (29.9 in). Height: 53 cm (20.9 in). cjr
71824 The Departure  The Departure   The Departure: An Episode of the Child's Crusade 12th Century oil on canvas private collection
42951 The Deposition  The Deposition   mk170 1500-1505 Oil on oak 74.9x47.3cm
79726 The Deposition  The Deposition   The Deposition" oil on Canvas. cjr
86758 The Deposition  The Deposition   Date 1470s Medium Oil on oak panel Dimensions Height: 129 cm (50.8 in). Width: 95 cm (37.4 in). cjr
86778 The Deposition  The Deposition   Date c. 1460(1460) Medium Oil on oak panel Dimensions Height: 57 cm (22.4 in). Width: 52 cm (20.5 in). cjr
41825 THe Descent from the Cross  THe Descent from the Cross   mk165 91x62cm
42556 The descent of the Course, Mahabalipuram  The descent of the Course, Mahabalipuram   MK169 detail 6e-7e century n. Chr
41991 The descent of the Espiritu Holy, of Heures to l-usage of Rome  The descent of the Espiritu Holy, of Heures to l-usage of Rome   mk166 Between ends of the 14th century and principles of the XVI Manuscript visionary Paris
27577 The Destruction of troy  The Destruction of troy   mk56 oil on panel,circular,in an engaged frame Cicle of Monsu Desiderio
80345 The Dismayed Artist  The Dismayed Artist   The painting 'The Dismayed Artist' by Frederick Daniel Hardy. Oil on canvas, 1866. cjr
71022 The distant Princess  The distant Princess   1899 Oil on canvas
41396 The Ditchley Portrait of Queen Elizabeth  The Ditchley Portrait of Queen Elizabeth   mk160 c.1592
79810 The Dock Facing the Doge's Palace  The Dock Facing the Doge's Palace   Oil on canvas, 73.4 x 117.4 cm Date 1720s cjr
41872 The Dormition  The Dormition   mk165 113x81cm The State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow
39391 The dream Jakobs  The dream Jakobs   mk148 Painting cut in the gate cello-cathedral, Venice. leader next to the sleeping Jakob, on which angels up-and descend
42546 The Dream of Maya and the Birth of Buddha, plate at the basement of the stupa of Amaravati  The Dream of Maya and the Birth of Buddha, plate at the basement of the stupa of Amaravati   MK169 india ca. 200 n. Chr. White marble 160x97.8cm
78072 The Dubufe Family in 1820.  The Dubufe Family in 1820.   1820(1820) Oil on canvas 64 x 84 cm (25.2 x 33.1 in) cjr
64349 the duc de bordeaux and his sister  the duc de bordeaux and his sister   1821 versailles, museum
41367 The earliest painting of London  The earliest painting of London   mk160
76028 the Edge of a Wood  the Edge of a Wood   the Edge of a Wood. en:1885. en:John Singer Sargent. Oil on canvas. 54.0 x 64.8 cm. en:Tate Gallery, en:London. cyf
31768 The Education of the virgin  The Education of the virgin   mk76 Painted c.1650 Oil on canvs 33x39 1/2in
75892 The Education of the Virgin  The Education of the Virgin   The Education of the Virgin, oil on canvas painting attributed to Diego Velazquez, ca. 1617?C18, Yale University Art Gallery. cjr
43417 The effects of the tappet or the return al refuge of the warrior.  The effects of the tappet or the return al refuge of the warrior.   mk171
78060 The Elector's family  The Elector's family   1772(1772) Oil on canvas cjr
30363 The Emperor justinian and his Court  The Emperor justinian and his Court   mk68 Mosaic Ravenna Church of San Vitale c.547
48799 The empire men bord.Lasarustavlan Okand artist  The empire men bord.Lasarustavlan Okand artist   mk187 1583 Oil slick pa tra 72x72cm
48787 The Empire men table  The Empire men table   mk187 Okand artist 1583 Olije farg pa tra 72x72cm Mariakyrkan,Helsingborg
78469 The Empress Dona Margarita de Austria in Mourning Dress  The Empress Dona Margarita de Austria in Mourning Dress   1666(1666) Medium Oil on canvas Dimensions 209 x 147 cm (82.3 x 57.9 in) cyf
30364 The Empress Theodora and Her Court  The Empress Theodora and Her Court   mk68 Mosaic Ravenna Church of San Vitale c.547 Italy
49601 The enogde Oden with sina tva korpar,Hugin and Munin mk202  The enogde Oden with sina tva korpar,Hugin and Munin mk202   mk202
40975 The Entombment  The Entombment   mk159 1480s Tempera and oil on panel 94x182cm
40967 The Entry into Jerusalem  The Entry into Jerusalem   mk159 Tempera on panel 116.5X51.5cm
41862 The Entry into Jerusalem  The Entry into Jerusalem   mk165 Moscow 71x56cm The State Tretyakov Gallery Moscow
29168 The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem  The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem   mk65 Oil on canvas 46x20"
76734 The Eruption of Vesuvius  The Eruption of Vesuvius   The Eruption of Vesuvius, oil on canvas painting by Johan Christian Dahl, 1824, private collection. cjr
73183 The Fair at Pont-Aven  The Fair at Pont-Aven   Oil painting reproduction of Ferdinand du Puigaudeau. cjr
52672 The Family of El Greco  The Family of El Greco   c. 1605 Oil on canvas, 97 x 51,5 cm
48408 The Family of Henry Viii  The Family of Henry Viii   mk190 c.1545
90813 The Family of Philip V  The Family of Philip V   1743(1743) Medium oil on canvas cjr
76864 The family of the Duke of Penthievre  The family of the Duke of Penthievre   1768(1768) Oil on canvas 176 ?? 256 cm (69.3 ?? 100.8 in) cjr
79973 The family of the Duke of Penthievre  The family of the Duke of Penthievre   1768(1768) Medium Oil on canvas Dimensions 176 x 256 cm (69.3 x 100.8 in) cyf
41395 The Famous Hilliard miniature usually described as A Young Man among roses  The Famous Hilliard miniature usually described as A Young Man among roses   mk160 he has a closed ruff and a cloak over one shoulder
49705 The fanns yet exception which underline of that picture stamp 1588 of Cornelis Claesz motor van Wieringen  The fanns yet exception which underline of that picture stamp 1588 of Cornelis Claesz motor van Wieringen   mk203 Pinassen,som anvandes in Spanish navy wonder Branch Ii.
88490 The Feast of Trotters  The Feast of Trotters   oil on canvas, 53.5 x 76 cm. Date mid 18th century cjr
43396 The fever of the gold or the interrogations of Coyoacan  The fever of the gold or the interrogations of Coyoacan   mk171
64924 The Fight between David and Goliath  The Fight between David and Goliath   1123 Mural, 82 x 75 cm Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Barcelona This mural, removed from the wall of the church of Santa Maria at Tahull, is one of the most famous surviving examples of Catalonian Romanesque painting. The artist of this painting is referred to as the Master of Tahull. The rigid hieratic saints or Christs enthroned seen in earlier works are here replaced by a vivid and expressive representation of the fight between young David and the champion Goliath, who is depicted in chain armour and armed with a spear and shield. When the fresco was first made it included a scene in which David and Goliath were depicted side by side, David using his sling and Goliath slain by the stone. These details have been damaged beyond restoration and there remains only this scene in which David beheads Goliath. Here too the colours have faded in the course of centuries. In the Romanesque fresco we see the decorative manner of representation characteristic of the Mozarabic miniatures, that is to say, the fight is not shown as taking place in any particular landscape setting, but is depicted against a background divided horizontally by lines similar to the fesses of a heraldic escutcheon. There is also some of the crudeness seen in miniatures, for example, the exaggerated size of the hands. But the fresco represents a conscientious effort to depict the story with great accuracy, for these murals served not only to decorate the church but also to instruct the people in Biblical history. The artist clearly attempted to give the faces of David and Goliath certain individual features, introducing also such realistic details as the carrion bird beside the body, the lively drapery of the cloak and the Jewish cap on David's head. The fresco dates from a period when the fight between David and Goliath was thought of as an Old Testament manifestation of the struggle between Christ and Satan. , UNKNOWN MASTER, Spanish , The Fight between David and Goliath , 1101-1150 , Spanish , painting , religious
49236 The Fight for the Standard  The Fight for the Standard   mk195 1865 Oil on canvas 26x21
43479 The Figure of Christ  The Figure of Christ   mk172 crucified was intensely exploited by Asian ivory artisans
75682 the first President of the United States which took place on April 30, 1789.  the first President of the United States which took place on April 30, 1789.   Oil painting of George Washington's inauguration as the first President of the United States which took place on April 30, 1789. cyf
72011 The First Sense of Coquetry  The First Sense of Coquetry   1804
79292 The first settlers discover Buckley  The first settlers discover Buckley   The first settlers discover Buckley, painting, oil on canvas, 62.5 x 95.5 cm, by Frederick William Woodhouse Date 1861(1861) cjr
79996 The First Tear  The First Tear   1884(1884) Oil on canvas cjr
27352 The Five Seneses  The Five Seneses   mk56 Studion of Jan Brueghel the Elder Studion of Frans Francken the Younger Oil on panel,in a carved and gilt wood frame
49612 The fjattrade Fenrisulven,en of Lokes son  The fjattrade Fenrisulven,en of Lokes son   mk202
27521 The flagellation  The flagellation   mk56 a pair,both oil on panel
79301 The flood in the Darling,  The flood in the Darling,   The flood in the Darling, 1890, painting, oil on canvas, 122.5 x 199.3 cm, by William Charles Piguenit Date 1895(1895) cjr
79407 The Flood on the Darling River  The Flood on the Darling River   The Flood on the Darling River, New South Wales, painting, oil on canvas, 76.5 x 126.0 cm, by William Charles Piguenit Date 1890(1890) cjr
48519 The flower garden at Liancourt  The flower garden at Liancourt   mk190 1654
76682 The Flower Seller  The Flower Seller   ??The Flower Seller??, oil on canvas cjr
57433 the flowering of baroque music  the flowering of baroque music   mk257 the sense of heaing represented allegorically as domestic music-making in this seventeenth-century french painting.

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